We believe all Fort Wayne babies deserve to celebrate their first birthday.
Footprints Fort Wayne is a collaborative effort to improve Allen County’s Infant Mortality Rate by parents, community members and healthcare professionals who are working together to save lives.
To ensure all babies celebrate their first birthday, the individuals and organizations working together as Footprints Fort Wayne have agreed to:
Work Together
No single organization can solve a problem this complex alone.
Be Equitable
We know that African American families are much more likely to experience infant loss. This is unacceptable.
Create Solutions
Our plan will only work if those most affected by the problem are part of the solution.
Constantly Communicate
We are committed to communicate so that ideas can be shared widely.
Improve Systems
We recognize that in order to see a larger change in our community’s health, we must improve the systems that prevent people from reaching their health potential.
Grow Our Knowledge
Knowledge is powerful, and with more understanding of the factors that influence infant death and the families affected, we will be better situated to plan and implement change.